08 May 2023
ICS 414 Final Throughout this semester in this software engineering class I have gained a lot of valuable experience in creating a web application with a group of people. The most significant of these experiences were learning about time management,...
10 May 2022
Working With Other People in a Computer Science Class? I have taken a few computer science classes in high school and 7 ICS classes in college before the Spring 2022 semester. Only one of these classes (ICS 211) even allowed...
28 Apr 2022
I've never even heard of a design pattern I’ve only been an ICS major for 2 years, but the words “design pattern” had never reached my ears before the start of the design patterns module. When I first heard about...
08 Feb 2022
Do Coding Standards Matter I used to be one of those people that thought as long as my code had no errors and had a desirable output, it was good enough. Recently I have changed my mind because it looks...
27 Jan 2022
Asking Questions Everyone has gotten stuck on a problem and wanted to ask someone else for help before. The internet makes it extremely easy to just type a question no matter how simple or obvious it may seem. Not everyone...
20 Jan 2022
Interests My interest in computers started when I was in elementary school when my parents would let me play online flash games on our family laptop. I was amazed that a computer could do so much and still be small...
19 Jan 2022
Programming Experience Being a computer science student, I am getting pretty used to learning new programming languages every semester. When I was first getting into programming and computer science, I thought Java and Javascript were the same thing (which I...